One of our core services is marketing. At AJC International we engineer sophisticated marketing and promotional programs to support customers to build their markets and increase profitability. We are constantly looking for ways to stay ahead by offering and promoting our own brands, representing a supplier brand or even developing a private label for a customer.
We are not only a leader in commodity food products; we are also a leader in branded food and added value programs. For two decades we have provided wholesalers, distributors and retailers with innovative, packaged poultry, further-processed meats, seafood, frozen potatoes, vegetables and fruits giving our suppliers and customers excellent opportunities for market expansion and brand identity.
Our brands - Golden Phoenix, Mity Fresh, Early Dawn, Garden Maid and Amerifoods - are all tightly quality-controlled by our own in-house team. Our packages are professionally designed and tailored for markets around the world, featuring your local language for convenience and appeal. Plus, AJC's marketing team has expertise in developing co-operated promotions with our customers, focusing on consumers, retailers or even a distributor sales force.
Both our customers and our suppliers trust us to do what's right for them operationally and financially. In fact, some of our key partners have formed strategic alliances with us to serve as their sole international marketing arm for export or procurement, knowing that we are capable of managing these key functions with their best interests in mind. We represent several food processing plants in US, Chile, UK and Belgium. Not only do we sell their products and brands in determined regions, but also fully support their brands.
We also have a successful history of developing and supporting private labels for our customers. They capitalize their business by offering quality private label products, which foster a feeling of brand loyalty, giving a significant advantage over competition.
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